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Grading Standards 


The root of grading disagreement stems, really, from the use of grade to convey value. It might not matter whether  "moderate brassing" indicates that a pen grades Excellent or just Very Good , were in not for the impact that difference has on price. So, to be blunt, a big part of grading has to do with pricing. One should seek accurately graded pens so as to pay proper prices for pens and to have the chance one day to sell at proper prices.

Ultimately, the "right price for the pen" is the key point to identify, since in the retail arena grading is being used to convey value.  To an expert, independent of labels,  a $100 pen is a $100 pen (a somewhat recursive reference) whether one then labels that pen as VG or as Near  Mint. Whether we apply a conservative "VG", an overly optimistic "near mint" or a painfully qualified "Excellent++ except for moderate brassing, tooth marks,  and weak imprint", the trick is for the pen to end up at the proper price.  The risk, as with all vintage collectables hobbies, is to encounter overgrading with associated overpricing.  Of course, dealing with that can take a lifetime to learn :-)

Here is's grading guide, for pens found at this site. 

New Old Stock An unused pen asserted to have been never sold. Uncertainty exists as to confirming how the unsold status possibly cold be confirmed.
Mint Pen never met ink. Unused.
NearMint Pen has been inked. Otherwise superb. Expect sharp imprints, unbrassed trim
Excellent Minimal wear. Trace high point brass IS allowed (eg. the clip ball of a Parker Duofold). Imprints sharp. Threads intact and functioning
Extra-Fine A gray zone grade offered as a concession to pens a nominal flaw away from Excellent. One feature is off. Imprint weak or a bit more brassing than is conveyed by Excellent.  Consider Extra-Fine to mean "Pen is Excellent except for X", with X representing one weaker detail
Fine Still a nice pen. Moderate brassing, weaker imprint, more wear to plastic (light teethmarks) etc all can be in play. Pen still is clean and presentable.
VG The slippery slope continues. Light imprint, heavier brassing,  stress lines (but not hairlines or cracks) to cap-lip, etc.
Good Bad.
USERGRADE User grade pens have a large flaw that is of great significance to value, independent of other grading features. Most commonly, user grade will reference  a Hairline cap crack, barrel crack, bad cosmetic flaw, etc. Note that the flaw will be described, and the overall grade will be provided independent of the flaw that renders the pen USER GRADE.

The nib (The writing point, which in the old days actually *was* called the "pen", when the fancy barrel and cap we tend to focus on now, was just the pen holder)

MINT No evidence of wear or ink
NEAR MINT Signs of Ink Exposure
EXCELLENT Mild Wear. No damage
FINE Moderate Wear. Modest signs of adjustment or of straightening
VG More worn. A bit if bend/ripple
GOOD Quite Worn. more flawed
USERGRADE Severe flaw. Crack.  Missing Iridium. etc. 

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hope to hear from you.

---David R. Isaacson.

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